18 Items
  • World Soil Day 2021
    by Soils for Life 253 0 0
    Produced in honour of World Soils Day 2021, this short film features soil stewards Rhonda and Bill Daly from Milgadara and Graham Finlayson from Bokhara Plains. Since 2012 Soils for Life has worked tirelessly to support leading regenerative farmer innovators and soil stewards across the country. This film tells the story of how farmers thinking differently can regenerate even the most degraded soils, bringing life back to the land. These are the stories that give us so much hope for the future. Read more stories of soil and landscape regeneration, and find out more about regenerative farming at www.soilsforlife.org.au. Happy World Soil Day! The film was produced by Nviro Media (nviromedia.com.au) with support from Thankful for Farmers (www.thankful4farmers.com.au) #soilscience #regenerativeframing #worldsoilday #regenerativeagriculture #soilhealth
    253 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • World Soil Day - Matthew Evans
    by Soils for Life 330 0 0
    Support us in our mission As World Soil Day approaches on the 5th of December, we're launching an end-of-year appeal, inviting you to join us in our mission to regenerate Australia's soils and landscapes by providing a tax-deductible donation. With your help, we can expand our work with Australian farmers, helping to rapidly grow the movement for soil and landscape regeneration, to transform Australian agriculture, rebuild our biodiversity, produce healthier food, build resilience to drought, flood and fire, and help to mitigate climate change. Here's one of the incredible soil stewards we're working with about why you should consider supporting us. Matthew Evans, author of "Soil :The incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy", talks of the incredible and far reaching importance and benefits that healthy soil holds. Let's all get excited about soil and how good it is! Support our mission to save Australian soils. https://soilsforlife.org.au/about-soils-for-life/our_purpose/donate/
    330 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Support Soils for Life - Charlie Maslin
    by Soils for Life 597 0 0
    With your help, we can expand our work with Australian farmers, helping to rapidly grow the movement for soil and landscape regeneration, to transform Australian agriculture, rebuild our biodiversity, produce healthier food, build resilience to drought, flood and fire, and help to mitigate climate change. One of the incredible soil stewards we're working, Charlie Maslin from Gunningrah, talks of the incredible and far reaching importance and benefits that healthy soil holds. Support our mission to save Australian soils. https://soilsforlife.org.au/about-soils-for-life/our_purpose/donate/
    597 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Practices & Outcomes - Mundarlo
    by Soils for Life 311 0 0
    Hear from Nick and Deanna Austin about the practices they are using to repair the soils and landscapes at their farming property Mundarlo. And read the full case study at www.soilsforlife.org.au/mundarlo
    311 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Practices & Outcomes - Willowlee
    by Soils for Life 258 0 0
    Hear from Michael and Ellie Gooden about the practices they are using to repair the soils and landscapes at their farming property Willowlee. And read the full case study at www.soilsforlife.org.au/willowlee/
    258 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Practices & Outcomes - Yabtree West
    by Soils for Life 388 0 0
    Hear from Rebecca Gorman about the practices they are using to repair the soils and landscapes at their farming property 'Yabtree West' and the positive outcomes as a result of implementing these practices.. Read the full case study at www.soilsforlife.org.au/yabtree-west/ Working as a journalist in Sydney, Rebecca Gorman became increasingly concerned about climate change and other big issues facing our society. Wanting to do something concrete to help, and remembering her rural childhood, Rebecca decided to return to the land. Rebecca and her partner John Sevior purchased 'Yabtree West', a property in Mundarlo, NSW, near where she grew up. With the support of the 8 families group, Rebecca studied Holistic Management and introduced and experimented with various methods of ecological improvement including Natural Sequence Farming. With manager Dean Hann, they have increased vegetation cover, are halting erosion and survived drought conditions in 2018 through a healthy functioning ecosystem. This case study shares the transformation experience of Rebecca Gorman and her family on Yabtree West.
    388 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Collecting a soil sample
    This video explains how to collect a soil sample from your paddock. Managing soil fertility and conditions are essential for good pasture and crop growth. Testing soils regularly can help identify if there are components of the soil limiting production and can also identify soils that don't require inputs.
    313 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Your Soils Will Never Be Sustainable With Synthetics | FarmingSecrets.com
    by ONFARM Support 368 0 0
    \ud83c\udf3eGET TO KNOW YOUR SOIL BETTER \ud83d\udc1b Download your FREE copy of 7 Steps to Healthy Soil \u27a1\ufe0fhttps://www.farmingsecrets.com/do-you-have-healthy-soil/ ___ D E S C R I P T I O N Gabe Brown prefers to use a more natural fertilizer source, if possible and available and affordable. Watch the whole video and listen as he answers some questions based on his experience. ___ - W A N T M O R E - If you liked this video you will love the conversations and hanging out with like-minded people in our free Facebook group called Regenerative Farmers Who Know the Value of Healthy Soil - Join Now! http://farmingsecrets.com/facebook ___ - Y O U T U B E P L A Y L I S T S - \ud83c\udf31How To Get Started With Regenerative Farming - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKRaR_MRTJTd3qtllh3A945mU6329G4u \ud83d\udc68‍\ud83c\udf3eHow To Make Organic Compost with Dr. Elaine Ingham - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKRaR_MRTJQb9TmBkTqckhi0P9U9X_fD \ud83d\ude9cGabe Brown Shares His Wisdom - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKRaR_MRTJSOGZ8vxdkboGE67NN6ISvr \ud83e\udd57Food as Medicine with Jerry Brunetti - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKRaR_MRTJQxbiA7MrNt0UyG6-k_cb6H ___ - F O L L O W A N D E N G A G E W I T H U S - \ud83c\udf89Free Facebook Group - http://farmingsecrets.com/facebook \ud83c\udf8aOfficial Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/FarmingSecrets \ud83d\udcf8Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/farmingsecrets \ud83d\udcfaYouTube - https://farmingsecrets.com/youtube \ud83d\udc26Twitter - https://twitter.com/farmingsecrets
    368 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to Remove Compaction, Manage Nitrogen, and Build Soil Health Fast with Tainio and John Kempf
    by ONFARM Support 490 0 0
    In this recorded webinar hosted by Tainio Biologicals with AEA founder John Kempf as the guest, John, along with Steve Becker and Dennis Warnecke from Tainio, engage in an informative discussion on soil health and effective methods to encourage healthy soil biology. They cover the specific roles of mycorrhizal fungi, how to deal with high salt concentrations, and the best soil-building practices for the fall. Visit the Tainio website at www.tainio.com to learn more about their biological products.
    490 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to Manage Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Sequestration
    by ONFARM Support 312 0 0
    AEA founder John Kempf discusses how to manage soil nitrogen and carbon sequestration for abundant microbial communities, the roles of water, oxygen, and soluble carbon in soil, the limiting factor for building biology (soluble carbon, not water, as many people believe), why carbon sequestration is important to crop performance, and which elements are needed to stabilize nitrogen in the soil. Slides can be viewed here: https://www.slideshare.net/AdvancingE…. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
    312 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to Address Micronutrient Deficiencies
    by ONFARM Support 321 0 0
    In this webinar, John Kempf reviews micronutrient and trace mineral function and how to address deficiencies of these minerals. He discusses the accuracy of testing measures, applications of nutrients, preferred nutrient form, and effective management practices. To learn more about Rebound\u2122 micronutrients, email [email protected] or visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/store/All-Products-c20204119.
    321 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Soil Health Program Resolves Canada Thistle Problem
    by ONFARM Support 479 0 0
    Ted Bruns, a Nebraska farmer, describes his challenges with Canada thistles spreading and overtaking his fields and how they were dramatically reduced after the use of AEA's Soil Health program. To learn more about this story, or determine whether this program could work this way for you, call AEA at (800) 495-6603.
    479 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Soil Testing 2.0: Build your Soil, Cut Costs, & Increase Profits with Regenerative Agriculture
    by ONFARM Support 420 0 0
    Traditional soil testing relies on the concept that a certain balance of nutrients in the soil will create healthier, more productive soils. Growers have traditionally used these soil test results to make nutrient application decisions to improve the health of their soils. But while that strategy may have been effective decades ago, new work is showing that that may not be the case in today's microbially dead soils where nutrients cannot get absorbed properly. In this webinar, John Kempf will walk attendees through the connection between soil biology and nutrient absorption and explain why a different approach to testing and building healthier soils may be in order. This approach will not only help growers reduce input costs by cutting unnecessary fertilizer applications but it can also help bring your soil back to life and increase productivity. For more information, check out www.advancingecoag.com
    420 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Preventing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching
    by ONFARM Support 463 0 0
    AEA founder John Kempf discusses specific methods for the most effective management of nitrogen and phosphorus while reducing leaching, runoff, and pollution. Learn how to address nitrogen and phosphorus from both organic and conventional approaches. This webinar contains information geared towards responsible and regenerative fertilizer management. For the scholarly resources mentioned see http://eepurl.com/du9Nln.. Access the slides here: https://www.slideshare.net/AdvancingE…. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
    463 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • The Key to Stimulating Soil Biology
    by ONFARM Support 404 0 0
    AEA founder John Kempf discusses the value of soil biology in ensuring crops receive the necessary nutrients. Although cover crops are a useful tool in regenerative systems, and it is very important to keep soil covered, this video describes an alternative for dry environments in which water is scarce. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
    404 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Why Nutrient Availability is Not Determined Only by pH
    by ONFARM Support 429 0 0
    Most growers are familiar with the chart showing available nutrients according to soil pH. The problem is that the chart is so incomplete it borders on being inaccurate. Nutrient availability is not one dimensional, as the pH diagram makes it appear to be. Additional dimensions include redox and microbial activity. In this webinar, John will describe nutrient availability from a multi-dimensional chemistry based perspective, and how to develop more accurate perspectives on nutrient delivery.
    429 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Establishing Soil Microbial Populations at Planting to Supply Nutrients #RegenerativeAg
    by ONFARM Support 434 0 0
    Soil microbial populations can deliver more of the crop's nutrients than we expect. To do so, we need to have vigorous microbial populations established at germination. It can be challenging to sustain these populations on lighter soils with low organic matter, or where soil microbial populations have been severely degraded. These challenges and many others lead AEA to develop their Soil Primer and BioCoat Gold applications. In this webinar, John Kempf will sit down with Sales Consultant and AEA customer Ted Bruns to discuss the potential of our Soil Primer and BioCoat Gold application to deliver crop nutrition and improve soil health. Please contact our Customer Care Team to reach Ted: https://www.advancingecoag.com/contact
    434 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to Release Manganese and Other Metals from Soil Reserves
    by ONFARM Support 336 0 0
    When soil biology has an oxidizing effect, the supply of bioavailable manganese, iron, copper, cobalt, and other minerals is greatly decreased. In this webinar, John describes why excessively oxidized soils lead to tied up manganese and other metals. He also describes how to change cultural management practices to shift soils to a more reduced state and release mineral metals that are unavailable to plants when the soil is oxidized. Links to resources mentioned in this webinar: AEA Rebound Products: https://www.advancingecoag.com/store/Nutritional-c20204194 John Kempf's new book Quality Agriculture: https://www.qualityagriculture.com Understanding Redox Potential Free Course: https://www.academy.regen.ag/redox-potential/ Webinar slides: https://www.slideshare.net/AdvancingEcoAgricult/how-to-release-manganese-and-other-metals-from-soil-reserves
    336 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • World Soil Day 2021
    by Soils for Life 253 0 0
    Produced in honour of World Soils Day 2021, this short film features soil stewards Rhonda and Bill Daly from Milgadara and Graham Finlayson from Bokhara Plains. Since 2012 Soils for Life has worked tirelessly to support leading regenerative farmer innovators and soil stewards across the country. This film tells the story of how farmers thinking differently can regenerate even the most degraded soils, bringing life back to the land. These are the stories that give us so much hope for the future. Read more stories of soil and landscape regeneration, and find out more about regenerative farming at www.soilsforlife.org.au. Happy World Soil Day! The film was produced by Nviro Media (nviromedia.com.au) with support from Thankful for Farmers (www.thankful4farmers.com.au) #soilscience #regenerativeframing #worldsoilday #regenerativeagriculture #soilhealth
    253 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • World Soil Day - Matthew Evans
    by Soils for Life 330 0 0
    Support us in our mission As World Soil Day approaches on the 5th of December, we're launching an end-of-year appeal, inviting you to join us in our mission to regenerate Australia's soils and landscapes by providing a tax-deductible donation. With your help, we can expand our work with Australian farmers, helping to rapidly grow the movement for soil and landscape regeneration, to transform Australian agriculture, rebuild our biodiversity, produce healthier food, build resilience to drought, flood and fire, and help to mitigate climate change. Here's one of the incredible soil stewards we're working with about why you should consider supporting us. Matthew Evans, author of "Soil :The incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy", talks of the incredible and far reaching importance and benefits that healthy soil holds. Let's all get excited about soil and how good it is! Support our mission to save Australian soils. https://soilsforlife.org.au/about-soils-for-life/our_purpose/donate/
    330 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Support Soils for Life - Charlie Maslin
    by Soils for Life 597 0 0
    With your help, we can expand our work with Australian farmers, helping to rapidly grow the movement for soil and landscape regeneration, to transform Australian agriculture, rebuild our biodiversity, produce healthier food, build resilience to drought, flood and fire, and help to mitigate climate change. One of the incredible soil stewards we're working, Charlie Maslin from Gunningrah, talks of the incredible and far reaching importance and benefits that healthy soil holds. Support our mission to save Australian soils. https://soilsforlife.org.au/about-soils-for-life/our_purpose/donate/
    597 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Practices & Outcomes - Mundarlo
    by Soils for Life 311 0 0
    Hear from Nick and Deanna Austin about the practices they are using to repair the soils and landscapes at their farming property Mundarlo. And read the full case study at www.soilsforlife.org.au/mundarlo
    311 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Practices & Outcomes - Willowlee
    by Soils for Life 258 0 0
    Hear from Michael and Ellie Gooden about the practices they are using to repair the soils and landscapes at their farming property Willowlee. And read the full case study at www.soilsforlife.org.au/willowlee/
    258 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Practices & Outcomes - Yabtree West
    by Soils for Life 388 0 0
    Hear from Rebecca Gorman about the practices they are using to repair the soils and landscapes at their farming property 'Yabtree West' and the positive outcomes as a result of implementing these practices.. Read the full case study at www.soilsforlife.org.au/yabtree-west/ Working as a journalist in Sydney, Rebecca Gorman became increasingly concerned about climate change and other big issues facing our society. Wanting to do something concrete to help, and remembering her rural childhood, Rebecca decided to return to the land. Rebecca and her partner John Sevior purchased 'Yabtree West', a property in Mundarlo, NSW, near where she grew up. With the support of the 8 families group, Rebecca studied Holistic Management and introduced and experimented with various methods of ecological improvement including Natural Sequence Farming. With manager Dean Hann, they have increased vegetation cover, are halting erosion and survived drought conditions in 2018 through a healthy functioning ecosystem. This case study shares the transformation experience of Rebecca Gorman and her family on Yabtree West.
    388 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Collecting a soil sample
    This video explains how to collect a soil sample from your paddock. Managing soil fertility and conditions are essential for good pasture and crop growth. Testing soils regularly can help identify if there are components of the soil limiting production and can also identify soils that don't require inputs.
    313 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Your Soils Will Never Be Sustainable With Synthetics | FarmingSecrets.com
    by ONFARM Support 368 0 0
    \ud83c\udf3eGET TO KNOW YOUR SOIL BETTER \ud83d\udc1b Download your FREE copy of 7 Steps to Healthy Soil \u27a1\ufe0fhttps://www.farmingsecrets.com/do-you-have-healthy-soil/ ___ D E S C R I P T I O N Gabe Brown prefers to use a more natural fertilizer source, if possible and available and affordable. Watch the whole video and listen as he answers some questions based on his experience. ___ - W A N T M O R E - If you liked this video you will love the conversations and hanging out with like-minded people in our free Facebook group called Regenerative Farmers Who Know the Value of Healthy Soil - Join Now! http://farmingsecrets.com/facebook ___ - Y O U T U B E P L A Y L I S T S - \ud83c\udf31How To Get Started With Regenerative Farming - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKRaR_MRTJTd3qtllh3A945mU6329G4u \ud83d\udc68‍\ud83c\udf3eHow To Make Organic Compost with Dr. Elaine Ingham - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKRaR_MRTJQb9TmBkTqckhi0P9U9X_fD \ud83d\ude9cGabe Brown Shares His Wisdom - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKRaR_MRTJSOGZ8vxdkboGE67NN6ISvr \ud83e\udd57Food as Medicine with Jerry Brunetti - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKRaR_MRTJQxbiA7MrNt0UyG6-k_cb6H ___ - F O L L O W A N D E N G A G E W I T H U S - \ud83c\udf89Free Facebook Group - http://farmingsecrets.com/facebook \ud83c\udf8aOfficial Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/FarmingSecrets \ud83d\udcf8Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/farmingsecrets \ud83d\udcfaYouTube - https://farmingsecrets.com/youtube \ud83d\udc26Twitter - https://twitter.com/farmingsecrets
    368 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to Remove Compaction, Manage Nitrogen, and Build Soil Health Fast with Tainio and John Kempf
    by ONFARM Support 490 0 0
    In this recorded webinar hosted by Tainio Biologicals with AEA founder John Kempf as the guest, John, along with Steve Becker and Dennis Warnecke from Tainio, engage in an informative discussion on soil health and effective methods to encourage healthy soil biology. They cover the specific roles of mycorrhizal fungi, how to deal with high salt concentrations, and the best soil-building practices for the fall. Visit the Tainio website at www.tainio.com to learn more about their biological products.
    490 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to Manage Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Sequestration
    by ONFARM Support 312 0 0
    AEA founder John Kempf discusses how to manage soil nitrogen and carbon sequestration for abundant microbial communities, the roles of water, oxygen, and soluble carbon in soil, the limiting factor for building biology (soluble carbon, not water, as many people believe), why carbon sequestration is important to crop performance, and which elements are needed to stabilize nitrogen in the soil. Slides can be viewed here: https://www.slideshare.net/AdvancingE…. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
    312 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to Address Micronutrient Deficiencies
    by ONFARM Support 321 0 0
    In this webinar, John Kempf reviews micronutrient and trace mineral function and how to address deficiencies of these minerals. He discusses the accuracy of testing measures, applications of nutrients, preferred nutrient form, and effective management practices. To learn more about Rebound\u2122 micronutrients, email [email protected] or visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/store/All-Products-c20204119.
    321 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Soil Health Program Resolves Canada Thistle Problem
    by ONFARM Support 479 0 0
    Ted Bruns, a Nebraska farmer, describes his challenges with Canada thistles spreading and overtaking his fields and how they were dramatically reduced after the use of AEA's Soil Health program. To learn more about this story, or determine whether this program could work this way for you, call AEA at (800) 495-6603.
    479 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Soil Testing 2.0: Build your Soil, Cut Costs, & Increase Profits with Regenerative Agriculture
    by ONFARM Support 420 0 0
    Traditional soil testing relies on the concept that a certain balance of nutrients in the soil will create healthier, more productive soils. Growers have traditionally used these soil test results to make nutrient application decisions to improve the health of their soils. But while that strategy may have been effective decades ago, new work is showing that that may not be the case in today's microbially dead soils where nutrients cannot get absorbed properly. In this webinar, John Kempf will walk attendees through the connection between soil biology and nutrient absorption and explain why a different approach to testing and building healthier soils may be in order. This approach will not only help growers reduce input costs by cutting unnecessary fertilizer applications but it can also help bring your soil back to life and increase productivity. For more information, check out www.advancingecoag.com
    420 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Preventing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching
    by ONFARM Support 463 0 0
    AEA founder John Kempf discusses specific methods for the most effective management of nitrogen and phosphorus while reducing leaching, runoff, and pollution. Learn how to address nitrogen and phosphorus from both organic and conventional approaches. This webinar contains information geared towards responsible and regenerative fertilizer management. For the scholarly resources mentioned see http://eepurl.com/du9Nln.. Access the slides here: https://www.slideshare.net/AdvancingE…. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
    463 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • The Key to Stimulating Soil Biology
    by ONFARM Support 404 0 0
    AEA founder John Kempf discusses the value of soil biology in ensuring crops receive the necessary nutrients. Although cover crops are a useful tool in regenerative systems, and it is very important to keep soil covered, this video describes an alternative for dry environments in which water is scarce. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected].
    404 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Why Nutrient Availability is Not Determined Only by pH
    by ONFARM Support 429 0 0
    Most growers are familiar with the chart showing available nutrients according to soil pH. The problem is that the chart is so incomplete it borders on being inaccurate. Nutrient availability is not one dimensional, as the pH diagram makes it appear to be. Additional dimensions include redox and microbial activity. In this webinar, John will describe nutrient availability from a multi-dimensional chemistry based perspective, and how to develop more accurate perspectives on nutrient delivery.
    429 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Establishing Soil Microbial Populations at Planting to Supply Nutrients #RegenerativeAg
    by ONFARM Support 434 0 0
    Soil microbial populations can deliver more of the crop's nutrients than we expect. To do so, we need to have vigorous microbial populations established at germination. It can be challenging to sustain these populations on lighter soils with low organic matter, or where soil microbial populations have been severely degraded. These challenges and many others lead AEA to develop their Soil Primer and BioCoat Gold applications. In this webinar, John Kempf will sit down with Sales Consultant and AEA customer Ted Bruns to discuss the potential of our Soil Primer and BioCoat Gold application to deliver crop nutrition and improve soil health. Please contact our Customer Care Team to reach Ted: https://www.advancingecoag.com/contact
    434 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How to Release Manganese and Other Metals from Soil Reserves
    by ONFARM Support 336 0 0
    When soil biology has an oxidizing effect, the supply of bioavailable manganese, iron, copper, cobalt, and other minerals is greatly decreased. In this webinar, John describes why excessively oxidized soils lead to tied up manganese and other metals. He also describes how to change cultural management practices to shift soils to a more reduced state and release mineral metals that are unavailable to plants when the soil is oxidized. Links to resources mentioned in this webinar: AEA Rebound Products: https://www.advancingecoag.com/store/Nutritional-c20204194 John Kempf's new book Quality Agriculture: https://www.qualityagriculture.com Understanding Redox Potential Free Course: https://www.academy.regen.ag/redox-potential/ Webinar slides: https://www.slideshare.net/AdvancingEcoAgricult/how-to-release-manganese-and-other-metals-from-soil-reserves
    336 views 0 likes 0 comments