17 Items
  • Regenerative Agriculture - Part 1
    by ONFARM Support 559 0 0
    Carbon Dioxide levels in our atmosphere continue to climb, as does our global atmospheric temperature. Despite greater awareness of the issues, and huge strides forward by the renewable energy industry, we are not having any effect on the overall problem. But some people think we're looking in the wrong place for the solution and that all we need to do is take some lessons from the way nature has always used it's resources to regulate heat across our blue planet. Help support and influence the growth of the Just Have a Think initiative here: www.patreon.com/justhaveathink https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=123y7jDdbfY #regenerativeagriculture #climatecrisis #actnow
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  • A New (Re)Generation
    by Kiss the Ground 306 0 0
    When Carrie Richards was growing up, she always had a feeling she'd end up taking over the ranch that her family had owned and operated since 1941. What she didn't expect was to do so in her 30s, with a husband and two kids in tow, and to radically change the way her family had managed their land for generations. Through research, trial and error, and a tireless multi-generational effort, Carrie has been able to implement regenerative farming methods that build back soil and revitalize the land. By stewarding the land regeneratively - focused on the full spectrum of health from soil to cattle to community - Carrie is bringing new life to the family ranch and illustrating the wonderful possibilities of regeneration. Learn more about Richards Grassfed Beef & purchase their products at www.richardsgrassfedbeef.com Learn more about the benefits of regenerative agriculture & download free educational resources on Kiss the Ground's website: www.kisstheground.com
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  • Kiss the Ground - Trailer
    by Kiss the Ground 463 0 0
    Narrated and featuring Woody Harrelson, Kiss the Ground is an inspiring and groundbreaking film that reveals the first viable solution to our climate crisis. Kiss the Ground reveals that, by regenerating the world's soils, we can completely and rapidly stabilize Earth's climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies. Using compelling graphics and visuals, along with striking NASA and NOAA footage, the film artfully illustrates how, by drawing down atmospheric carbon, soil is the missing piece of the climate puzzle. This movie is positioned to catalyze a movement to accomplish the impossible – to solve humanity's greatest challenge, to balance the climate and secure our species future. Hire full video at - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/kisstheground
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  • A New (Re)Generation
    by Kiss the Ground 322 0 0
    When Carrie Richards was growing up, she always had a feeling she'd end up taking over the ranch that her family had owned and operated since 1941. What she didn't expect was to do so in her 30s, with a husband and two kids in tow, and to radically change the way her family had managed their land for generations. Through research, trial and error, and a tireless multi-generational effort, Carrie has been able to implement regenerative farming methods that build back soil and revitalize the land. By stewarding the land regeneratively - focused on the full spectrum of health from soil to cattle to community - Carrie is bringing new life to the family ranch and illustrating the wonderful possibilities of regeneration. Learn more about Richards Grassfed Beef & purchase their products at www.richardsgrassfedbeef.com Learn more about the benefits of regenerative agriculture & download free educational resources on Kiss the Ground's website: www.kisstheground.com
    322 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • How is Regenerative Agriculture Better?
    by ONFARM Support 418 0 0
    We need to begin thinking differently about agronomy and how we manage plant nutrition. AEA founder John Kempf describes a foundational outline of how a regenerative system works, how it is possible to regenerate soil with limited inputs, how to gain greater results by focusing on the plant photosynthetic engine, and how a regenerative system is more profitable for the grower. Listen as John takes us on a deep-dive of regenerative agriculture concepts, turning some widely accepted ideas and practices on their heads. To learn more about AEA and regenerative agriculture, visit https://www.advancingecoag.com/ or email [email protected]. Cover photo of AEA fruit tree block in California taken by our CIO, Aaron Jimenez.
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  • Principles of Regenerative Agriculture | John Kempf, Founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture
    by ONFARM Support 317 0 0
    In this recording from Advancing Eco Agirculture's "Regenerative Agriculture in Florida" virtual event, John Kempf explains that basic principles that make up the growing regenerative ag movement. John also shares his background and the personal journey that lead to him to become an international agricultural thought-leader. For more information on AEA and Regenerative Agriculture, check out our website at https://www.advancingecoag.com/ Never miss an AEA event! Sign up for your newsletter: https://www.advancingecoag.com/newsletter-sign-up
    317 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Sir Patrick Holden and Hamish Mackay – Legends of Biodynamics and Regen Agriculture
    by ONFARM Support 375 0 0
    Sir Patrick Holden and Hamish Mackay, two international legends in the world of regenerative agriculture and Biodynamics, discuss the global future of the regenerative and Biodynamic farming movement and its progress here in Australia, and ponder our collective ability to revitalize the degraded soils and food of mainstream industrial agriculture. (as well as giving a big wrap to The Farm at Byron Bay!) Patrick and Hamish also touch on their involvements with the Sustainable Food Trust, Biodynamic Agriculture Association and Soil Association based in the UK, the need for all strands of regenerative agriculture to work together on building an international community of good practitioners, and highlight their shared optimism that we have the ability to significantly improve global and human health through regenerative agriculture and the communities who are embracing it. For more regenerative agriculture news see http://charliearnott.com.au or SUBSCRIBE to this channel.
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  • David Marsh Interview – Regen Ag – Ecological and Economical?
    by ONFARM Support 291 0 0
    Ecologically based decision making - Nature tends towards elaboration and diversity of lifeforms, it's an evolutionary fact, and taking heed of this is one of the simplest and most essential lessons David has learnt. He has learned and develop an 'allowing behaviour' in the management of his business and landscape, intervening less, and allowing Nature to recomplicate itself. More gold from one of the masters of Regen Ag!
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  • David Marsh on his Transition to Regenerative Farming – Interview
    by ONFARM Support 376 0 0
    Transitioning to Regenerative Agriculture practises – David Marsh steps us through his journey from his 'intensive industrial input regime' to his current regenerative farming model, via Holistic Management training, changing his grazing management, matching livestock numbers to the pasture resource base, and working with Nature and its 'self-organising' functions.
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  • Living Soil
    by ONFARM Support 373 0 0
    David Marsh talks about building organic matter with rest, balancing animal production and soil building, the impact of ploughing soil and herbicides, and the benefits of ground cover.
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  • The power of regenerative farming
    by ONFARM Support 304 0 0
    Fascinating results from the recent national 'Health and Wellbeing Survey' identifies aspects of regenerative farmers lives as being vastly improved due to the farming practises they have chosen. Resting pastures, assessing feed on hand, goal setting, and identifying personal values and all tools available to us to maintain and enhance the quality of our farming lives.
    304 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Interview - Matt Finkelstein from Kiss The Ground
    by ONFARM Support 319 0 0
    Loved chatting with legend garden manager Matt Finkelstein about the great work he's overseeing at the Kiss The Ground community garden in Venice, Los Angeles.
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  • Proactive versus reactive
    by ONFARM Support 375 0 0
    Manage what you're in control of and enjoy the flexibility that affords farm owners and managers.
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  • Holistic Farm Management
    by ONFARM Support 264 0 0
    David Marsh has been practicing holistic farm management for a number of years now and has experienced positive results for the land around him. I asked him to give an overview on exactly what is 'holistic farm management'.
    264 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Holistic Farm Management
    by ONFARM Support 302 0 0
    David Marsh has been practicing holistic farm management for a number of years now and has experienced positive results for the land around him. I asked him to give an overview on exactly what is 'holistic farm management'.
    302 views 0 likes 0 comments