6 Items
  • Time controlled grazing vs set stocked grazing
    by ONFARM Support 281 0 0
    Why we do what we do. Time controlled grazing vs set stocked grazing. The difference is plain as day.
    281 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Plants need to take a break too!
    by ONFARM Support 311 0 0
    Resting pastures by removing animals for extended periods of time is a foundation principle of holistic pasture management, and David steps us through the stages and decisions involved in determining how to achieve the best results for both pasture and livestock. A fairly technical explanation and make simple with David's gentlemanly articulation!
    311 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Give back - feeding your pastures
    by ONFARM Support 385 0 0
    2-3 times extra feed can be grown using appropriate grazing management, and it helps fuel the complex pasture communities we are aiming to create in our paddocks. Simply letting nature do what it needs to do to thrive, life affirming stuff!
    385 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • Pasture composition and succession
    by ONFARM Support 304 0 0
    As managers of grazing businesses, the more biodiverse our plant ecosystems, the more resilient, stable and productive they become. Allowing nature to take its course by giving plants the 'window of opportunity' to germinate and flourish ultimately drives plant succession in the right direction, to create more diverse pastures containing perennial species. Long periods of rest (non grazing) between short intense grazes gives pastures the window of opportunity to recover, and beneficial species to germinate. Simple principles that create multiple positive outcomes.
    304 views 0 likes 0 comments