Nutrisoil » Video Folder: A New Agriculture

4 videos
  • Sustainable Abundance Joel Salatin
    by Nutrisoil 272 0 0
    Joel Salatin talks at Sustainable Abundance, hosted by NutriSoil Biological Solution about his humble beginnings on the family farm to the Polyface of today.
    272 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • NutriSoil a New Agriculture, Walter Jehne presentation
    by Nutrisoil 266 0 0
    Walter spoke to a crowd of over 200 people at our annual event on June 28 2018, explaining the principles behind regenerative farming
    266 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • NutriSoil, A New Agriculture Charles Massy
    by Nutrisoil 323 0 0
    A presentation delivered by Dr Charles Massy at the NutriSoil Annual Event - A New Agriculture June 28th 2018. The day was centred around his book, Call of the Reed Warbler that is a must read for farmers, consumers and governments alike. With Charles headlining the day, there were over 210 attendees crowding the Wodonga function centre. His book, published only in 2017 has been reprinted dozens of times. It will change the way we farm, eat and think about food. Like his book, in this presentation, Charles explores how regenerative agriculture is vitally connected between our soil and our health.
    323 views 0 likes 0 comments
  • NutriSoil A New Agriculture, Di Haggerty Presentation
    by Nutrisoil 220 0 0
    Di and Ian Haggerty of Prospect Pastoral farm approx. 30,000ha in the wheatbelt WA using their own regenerative farming practices they call Natural Intelligence Farming. Di spoke at the NutriSoil Annual Event - A New Agriculture on June 28 2018 to a crowd of over 212 attendees. She explains how they are cropping on broad acreage in marginal conditions using Nutrisoil and a compost extract they make themselves, minimal chemical and next to no synthetic fertilisers. Their sheep play an integral role contributing to a healthy microbial soil. They have now got native perennials growing over Summer contributing to healthy crops and much more to learn about in this presentation.
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