Type: Onsite & Online Auction Event

August 7, 2024 13:10
LOT AE-12 | 444
test title lot
Posted by Test Livestock Agent 1 BUSINESS
Bid history: 0 bids
Highest Bidder: ---
(Review Item)
Livestock - Cattle - Cows
NOTICE TO ALL BUYERS: Before you can bid or buy livestock, you will need to submit your details associated with your livestock transfer number (eg PIC or PIN). This will take up to 24 hrs to be approved. You can access that link here.
Date of Dispatch for Delivery:
August 10, 2024
Running in parallel with an onsite physical auction - ENDED
By auctioneer
August 7, 2024 13:10
Order to be Auctioned:
Current Price $100 /Head
Starting Price
$100 /Head
Number of Head

This item is being sold by an agent or broker and you agree to pay them direct subject to their trading terms shown here:

Account Name: Test Livestock Agent 1
Branch or BSB Number: 082774
Account Number: 206182030
Payment Terms:

ONFARM bank account

Payment terms are 10 days from POS

conditions here 

Auctions | NSW Fair Trading


The payment details will appear on the sales invoice / order form after you confirm this purchase.

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Delivery Method:

Delivery Method PickUp Australia View more

Return Policy: Click to view

You are now the highest bidder.



  • Product Information

    • Category Livestock
    • Sub Category Cattle
    • Sub Sub Category Cows
    • Breed Angus