9 JULY 2022

Amendments have been made to the 'do not move' order that is in place for all beekeepers in NSW under the general emergency zone (blue zone).

The do not tamper component of the order has been removed. Beekeepers are now allowed to work through their hives and remove honey for extraction and place empty super on full hives.

Beekeepers under the amended order are able to:

Empty supers may be placed on hives provided:-

This updated order can be found on the DPI website. 

New infested premise identified 

A new premise has been identified at Jerrys Plains west of Newcastle. This has been identified through tracing as a hive that had been moved from the Newcastle area. All detections are still directly linked to the Newcastle area. This new detection has increased the zones on the updated map. 

Tracing continues to be the focus of the team along with surveillance within the emergency zones.


